Week Fourteen April 23: Manga as an International Style Read An Invitation from a Crab bypanpanya. 
            Talking Fish

I really wish I could have attended the class. My internet was acting funny and I couldn’t get into the class properly. I wonder what kind of wired fish talking questions came up during.
Wow, this is weird, and really disturbing. The idea of cutting up a fish while it is talking to you sends chills down my spine. This manga has way too many disturbing questions for me. The class resource page’s link to read the manga wasn’t working properly for me. I was able to find the first thirty pages for free on a different sight. It intrigued me that the little girl looked like a ghost and she was styled so differently from the rest of the world. It was like she was innocent in a world of fish killers. All this leaves me with is questions of what came next. The fact that the butcher wasn’t human also leaves me wondering. I’m sure there is so much more to this story. 
With this being the last of class for the school year, I am really sad that I couldn’t get in today. I have had similar problems with other classes, I really didn’t want to miss the last day. I guess from here I need to move forward on my own. With summer break less than a week away, I will have the chance to hunt down more manga and anime on my own to read and learn from. I am grateful for this class, and all that I have learned as a whole. The world of manga and anime is deferent from western culture and ideals. Everything about it is new and intriguing, and I am excited to learn more about it, and grateful for the overview that I have now. 


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