Anime Class 5

Manga Romance week

Manga and government 
Questions on weather Manga is good. Concern by parents on the effect of cartoons. At first there was “good” war propaganda. Then there was fear of what kids take in. 

Similar to the ideas in America that cartoons and comics have a bad effect on youth.
Every time there is a new media to children, parents have a meltdown. 

Most Japanese companies have lineages and kinships. It takes years to start working with Japanese, because you need to be part of their family to work with them. It is all personal in business to them.
Everything is family. They have magazines for every age so you never grow out of them; instead you just grow into the next issue. 

Early 20thcentury they nationalized the language. They reorganized it so everyone can read around the country. 
A lot of publishing houses published to help with pronunciations and helping show what is said.
The government was involved. It wasn’t really censorship, but often and mostly relationship. 
There will be censorship around the Olympics to show their best face to the world 

Early 20thcentury brought the division between the works for girls and the works for guys. 

Early Manga was mostly for children by. The 60s 

70s lending library, 80s lending library gone- main stream publishers. 

Next, 80s, what can we do in comics that we can’t do in film. 
Framing, camera angles…

Television took about five years longer to take off in japan
It took longer for their middle class to be able to afford it. 

Post war, as people recovered in the 80s People wanted a brighter life. Peek of Manga and anime

Because television was every week, manga moved from monthly to weekly 
People started to do clip art for background ad do tricks to make it go quicker

80s, global depression. 
Response is marketing. Niches begin to develop into sub categories. More and more sub divisions were made. 
More tailored marketing. Have young women make comics for girls.
Women entered as creators, from there up it’s all men.
Split between girls ang boy’s manga. 
The company was like a pyramid, one for boy’s manga, one for girls. It was hard to get female editors in those early days. 

Manga, everything you need to know a character is distinguished by the hair style. 

Being a girl didn’t stop girls from reading boys manga or vise versa. Most of the time the person wouldn’t be outgoing about reading the other gender’s manga. 
Only recently is the stuff for boys and girls, the binaries are now fading. 

The manga were ment to represent the best traits for girls, or the best ideals and traits for boys. A representation for the genders to show themselves. Then, there would be someone subverting the binaries (Like the boy in Princess Jellyfish)

80s, the rise of cute culture. Rise of buying power of women in the 80s
When Ladies manga develops. This is when sex came up in sojo. 

Anime is split in 3 parts
By genre
By demographic
By the themes in the story

80s 90s, desolving of cencorship. 

You need to fit into a nitch for your manga to be published in to get readers. 
Editors are invested in you succeeding so they make money 

Reading/ Presentation


Ayako was written by a man, and mars was written by a woman

For a healthy relationship you can’t be completely emotionally dependent on the other person. Many men don’t have good male friends to help with the relationship and become entirely emotionally dependent on the girl. That is not healthy. Some say it leads to “Toxic Masculinity.” 


  1. The purpose of the blog is not really to post the notes you make from class sessions but to ask you to respond to work I am asking you to read outside of class. Read something for each week and write a response to what you read and publish that response here.


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