Week Twelve April 9:Contemporary Manga:
Silver spoon
Reading this manga really surprised me. I have had a friend tell me to watch the anime multiple times, but I’ve not been able to access it yet. I do plain to hunt it down, and maybe finish reading the manga once I get a break from manga.
Before this, all I had ever seen from this author was FMA. In a way, the change in story styles surprised me, while at the same time it didn’t. I was happily pleased to see the same characters as FMA in this series. It reminded me of Tezuka at the beginning of the year. It is as though the characters are all actors drafted by the artist to reappear in her stores. Some characters didn’t even really need to change personality like Armstrong. Changing the setting is more than enough to differentiate the characters and their roles. I love the way that works. It has got to be a lot easier on the author to keep drawing the characters she knows.
The idea that she grew up on a farm before writing this intrigues me. I liked how this story’s struggles were the simple things in life. My dad grew up in Kansas. I may not have grown up farming, but he did. I have some family that is still there. Reading this, I knew there were differences in the farming between the countries, and that just added to the experience.
While reading it, I understand the place of the main character. Having someone who doesn’t know who or what they want to be gives them a chance to become anybody. It is a way to grow and develop the character. I’m sure that some people reading it felt juts as confused by the farming lifestyle as he was. His struggle with eating eggs after knowing where they came from just made me roll my eyes. When he finally decided to eat the eggs and chicken I was dying laughing. Part of me wants to say that people wouldn’t have that much of a struggle with eating food. I thought everyone knew where meat and eggs came from… then I remembered some old friends who would have the same reaction and laughed even harder. This was a very enjoyable read after the horror last week.
Learning about the author also made me respect her more. I understand work becoming everything to someone, and the fact that most manga artists work nonstop their entire lives. The risk she took in taking a break to take care of her family is super respectful. I am so pleased to hear that. As much as I want more content from her, I can’t complain. She knows when to stop, and she has her priorities straight. I wouldn’t be surprised if she writes another story, or continues this one. When she decides to come back, I believe it will be because she is at her best, and truly ready.
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